Diseases treated by Assistant Professor of Orthopedics, N. Laliotis and techniques he applies
Children’s Orthopedist Nikolaos Laliotis treats congenital and acquired diseases, as well as deformities, such as:

Treatment with the Ponseti technique
Dysplasia of the hip (neonatal hip dislocation)
Investigation with ultrasound control, treatment with closed or open reduction and arthrogram
Limb lengthening with the technique of distensive histogenesis (Ilizarov) and other methods
Treatment of shortening of the lower limbs and deformities in the upper and lower limbs
Brain paralysis
Treatment of spasticity with botulinum toxin injections, with upper and lower extremity tendon lengthening, tendon transfers, femoral or tibial osteotomies, arthrodesis
Musculoskeletal tumors
Benign (aneurysmal or solitary bone cysts, osteoid osteoma (ablation)) and malignant (sarcomas – radical resection & microsurgical repair)
Fractures of long bones
Coping with Flexible Insoles (ESIN)
Corrections of the axis of long bones
With temporary epiphysiodesis with a special figure 8 plate
Paralytic diseases of children
Orthopedic treatment of meningocele, myopathy, etc.