The biological-regenerative treatments that we use in Pediatric Orthopedics when there is a clear indication and a safe result are:
Obtaining autologous chondrocytes, i.e. from the patient himself, for their transplantation in order to treat cartilage damage. Chondrocytes, after laboratory culture, are used to create new articular cartilage, which will be used to cover even extensive lesions.
The process includes:
– The arthroscopic removal of a small piece of cartilage from a point that does not receive a high load. This piece has the shape of a cylinder and includes the articular cartilage and part of the subchondral bone. The sample is sent to a laboratory for culture.
– When the chondrocytes are multiplied in the Laboratory, they are placed by arthroscopy or by a minimally invasive technique, depending on the size and location of the damage. The doctor cleans the damage arthroscopically and without surgery up to healthy limits and calculates the number and size of grafts required to cover the lesion. He then creates holes into which he implants the graft or grafts wedged, without pins. The total recovery time ranges from 12 – 18 months.
With the use of synthetic grafts localized small and extensive chondral lesions can be treated with very good results.
There are already made synthetic grafts in various sizes made with bioabsorbable material.
These grafts are implanted with an arthroscopic technique in the area of damage and contribute to the growth of normal chondrocytes and the creation of cartilage that is close to the hyaline produced by the body itself.
In some cases, the graft needs enrichment with autologous growth factors. Its placement is the same as in autologous chondrocyte transplantation, but the synthetic graft is held in place with biological glue, absorbable pins, and other techniques.
Autologous growth factors from activated platelets (PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma) are an injectable treatment that naturally contributes to tissue regeneration, through the growth factors produced by the patient’s own platelets.
They accelerate the healing of tendons, muscle injuries and osteoarthritis, in a natural and risk-free way.
For their application, a little blood is taken from the patient, which is centrifuged to separate the components of the blood, into plasma, platelets and in another chamber the white and red blood cells, etc.
The plasma and growth factors contained in the platelets are collected with a syringe and injected into the affected area to bring about healing. Hyaluronic acid injection can be done at the same time. There is no risk of allergy or hypersensitivity because they are autologous.
PRP injections relieve acute and chronic pain and accelerate the healing of injured tissues and joints.